What would you like to learn from the Stan Winston School?

Here at the Stan Winston School we strive to provide the most comprehensive library of courses for character creation, and our students have always been a driving force in determining our lesson content.
What would you like to learn from the Stan Winston School? 231 votes
What I'm looking for is actuators (electric and pneumatic) that operate like servos, that can pause at various points. Hydraulics is pretty much out.
Once that's done, control is the next issue - I don't want a pre-programmed show, but a "puppeteer" to work it reacting to different situations as they arise.
I don't want much, do I?
I am trying to do more with foam latex prosthetics and would be delighted to see more about this.
How to dress up, using clay or latex for face's , more and more .....................
Well lets say EVERYTHING.
Telemetry Suit
similar to the ones that have have been used to puppeteer Johnny 5 in the short circuit movies.