What's On Your Workbench? (Fall 2024)

in General
We love seeing current projects from our community members. Sharing your work on our forums not only gets your work seen by a large audience but also motivates and inspires other artists. We may even feature some of your projects on our social media!
You can either share images and videos below as comments on this discussion or post your own discussion with your work. So don't be shy, show us what you've got!
You can either share images and videos below as comments on this discussion or post your own discussion with your work. So don't be shy, show us what you've got!
What's On Your Workbench?
Currently being molded, will be cast in latex and backed with foam
Just finished mounting, resin bust, hand painted. this was a lot of fun to make
beautiful piece I’ve done in my life. This was only possible with the knowledge I have gained over the years from the lessons here on SWSCA. Learning from the best in the business has inspired all of my art. I hope to one day teach a lesson on your site to help and inspire others! This project still needs the frame, but overall is a completed artwork. Hope you all enjoy it, it was my honor to create it.
Alien Facehugger...
Next up is to finish this head I'm working on...