What's On Your Workbench? (Summer 2024)

We love seeing current projects from our community members.  Sharing your work on our forums not only gets your work seen by a large audience but also motivates and inspires other artists.  We may even feature some of your projects on our social media!

You can either share images and videos below as comments on this discussion or post your own discussion with your work.  So don't be shy, show us what you've got!

What's On Your Workbench?


  • I have 2 costumes I'm currently working on for DragonCon in 2 months: The Horned King from The Black Cauldron and Sully the cyclops from Tiny Tina's Wonderlands game. Sculpting, molding, foam fabrication, sewing.... what can't you learn here at the SWSCA?

  • Matt Lott said:
    I have 2 costumes I'm currently working on for DragonCon in 2 months: The Horned King from The Black Cauldron and Sully the cyclops from Tiny Tina's Wonderlands game. Sculpting, molding, foam fabrication, sewing.... what can't you learn here at the SWSCA?

    The Horned King lives!!. Looking good. With LEDs the intensity they are now, it might be quite possible to make the bright sword Dyrnwyn. 
  • Darrell GreenDarrell Green ✭✭✭
    edited August 2024
    I will post more detail in the actual thread on my Bard the Bowman build but for workbench, I have been working with the mastiha exercise gum for the jawline, shaping eyebrows and working on hair color but, most of all, I have been working on the world's greatest comb over. Using my own hair as a glue on additive (still attached, still growing), I have been working on reshaping my hairline to match Bard. I ended up creating a contact adhesive process (using hairspray) prior to sculpting and styling.Two days back, I finally got the desired shape. I took a quick pic and overlaid a split face of Luke Evans. It was finally good enough so I rushed to get into costume before the sun set. Here is, in order, my hairline, my dirty bathroom mirror split face comp with Luke Evans and the outside shot with final hair styling. This will be a pretty strong repeat of a previous pose post but this one is final. All effects, costume and props complete (full thread, not yet updated, is here on forums and on therpf.com "bard the bowman impersonation cosplay costume"):

    Post edited by Darrell Green on
  • I've been working through the Chiodo Brothers Stop Motion Puppet making series. Just finished this guy this week. 
    Next is the Monster Garage Creature series. can't wait to see what comes out of that one!

  • @Mike McCoy I just gotta know, brother, are we still eating ramen from this microwave?
  • Mike McCoyMike McCoy ✭✭✭
    @Darrell Green i wouldn't trust any type of food product in that beast  :D lol
  • Just put a quick base coat on this Kelpie I have been messing around with this last week,  as I am on a break from costuming until 24th August (hurrah for a holiday). Not that I don't want to be working, but I have a mad season ahead with 6 stage productions back to back, so taking some personal time to prat about with sculpting is a good change from sitting at a sewing machine for days on end. 
  • Tom LucaTom Luca ✭✭✭
    Do Creature Character Concept Designs and Sketches for a Fantasy/Horror short film proof of concept count?
  • Tom Luca said:
    Do Creature Character Concept Designs and Sketches for a Fantasy/Horror short film proof of concept count?
    BRING IT!!!
  • Tom LucaTom Luca ✭✭✭
    edited August 2024
    These are Concept Designs of a few of the Creature Characters in a 20 minute Fantasy/Horror short film proof of concept that has been in Development Hell since 2017. LUNCH is the working title and the release title will be made public in Post. Our parent company's production company division is waiting on investors. The production budget for the short film P.O.C. is $175,000.00 ($175 thousand dollars) and the production budget for the feature is currently $5,000,000.00 ($5 million dollars). At one point we had $11,000,000.00 ($11 million dollars) in our bank's Escrow Account and that came from Slated. The film is on Slated still https://slated.com/films/204858/ but the development stage was taking too long and the investors pulled out! Big bummer. To say the least. We hope investors come around again and take interest in the story again. So IWS can work on it! Our Distribution Division even has merchandise ready. Just a few things already manufactured for the short film if we can hire a Crowdfunding Campaign Manager this time around for another round on a Crowdfunding website? First try was Kickstarter but I don't know anything about that so that is why we need to hire a Crowdfunding Campaign Manager.

    Here's the current marketing pitch and exposition website for shopping the film around: https://facebook.com/lunchthemovie/ 

    Feel free to ask any questions about this intellectual Property that is owned by DreamFactory Studios LLC. 

    Post edited by Tom Luca on
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