Green screen / compositing class?

It would be great to have a class on Compositing techniques. I've been using Adobe Premiere Pro for years (have been leary of After Effects, but I have it) and am thinking of getting a green screen in the next few months. Would really like to know some of the modern compositing techniques that used to take an Optical Printer "back in the day". I think the class would help tie everything together.
Peace out!
It would be great to have a class on Compositing techniques. I've been using Adobe Premiere Pro for years (have been leary of After Effects, but I have it) and am thinking of getting a green screen in the next few months. Would really like to know some of the modern compositing techniques that used to take an Optical Printer "back in the day". I think the class would help tie everything together.
Peace out!
Considering that some shows like Babylon 5 owe their success to green screening, and likewise many of the amateur Start Trekc fan videos make full use of them.
Thanks for the suggestions
I'll be sure and pass along your lesson suggestion to the team!
I've been experimenting with some simple effects in Premier, but I think it's time to jump into AE.
I'm working on a list of things I'd like to see in a class. Will post it later this week.
Also, David Boccabella, thanks for the comment. Was a big fan of Babylon 5.
When I first started with After Effects that site helped me a ton. And he's still releasing great tutorials all the time.
Here is my first attempt. The dog is my Boxer, Baxter and the MEOW is me.
I've been bored in the studio lately , so I thought I try making myself a Jedi.
Let us know how the dinner goes with Steve Johnson! I only signup for the hard Cover book - David
I have a Pinterest board to a few good tutorials I'd like to offer. Here's the link: