What's On Your Workbench? (Winter 2024-2025)

We love seeing current projects from our community members.  Sharing your work on our forums not only gets your work seen by a large audience but also motivates and inspires other artists.  We may even feature some of your projects on our social media!

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What's On Your Workbench?


  • You DID IT!!!! I was fingers crossed the whole time you were going through the stages. Needing such a complex mold "system" for this and getting it right as a first project and NOT DESTROYING YOUR SCULPT......
     Hats off to you. I think you earned the title "Newb Savant". Very cool, congrats. And thank you for your process pics. Pop a thread link on therpf if you haven't already. I know some folks were following it there as well.
  • Thank you! More work than I really anticipated. It was a good feeling pulling those first casts. Not much for cleanup either. I did try making a hollow cast of the body this past weekend, but it didn't work. Came out pockmarked with bubbles and missing details. I think the mold is too detailed for a manual rotation cast. Going to get some URE-Fill and cut the resin with that to save on casting costs. Anyway, I meant to post on therpf as well - thank you for the reminder!
  • Jason, these are so cool! You did a really great job with the molds, it looks like you were really careful about setting up for success. I hope I'm as fortunate and prepared when I do my Ferengi head molds over the next few days! 
  • Jason, these are so cool! You did a really great job with the molds, it looks like you were really careful about setting up for success. I hope I'm as fortunate and prepared when I do my Ferengi head molds over the next few days! 
    Thank you Tracey! I look forward to seeing your Ferengi molds.

  • A fun shrunken head project the above clay is Chavant medium.
    i made a matrix mold with a rigid silicone and cast the final with Platinum silicone, I ended up tinting the silicone with smooth on pigments and flocking, and airbrushed it with smooth on paints. Am not completely finished will do a little more finishing to the paintwork and add hair. Will glue on hair but leave some spacing around the glued on hair for hair punching. Has been fun watching the videos. In the 80s I made monster masks in my bedroom, was good times. Just getting back into it. 
    These are great TJ! So cool. Would love to see the matrix mold you did for these if you have any pics.
  • I spent all day in the shed today, and got the clay wall mostly laid up for the molds. I ended up stopping there and covering everything in plastic to keep the clay wet overnight, because my shoulders started to hurt. Tomorrow I will make the front half of the fiberglass mold. This is not my first time making molds and casting objects, but it is my first time working with fiberglass. Hoping it goes smoothly! 
  • I finished my short capstone, Dreams of R’lyeh,  including some pictures of the Cthulhu puppet,  as well as a current werewolf puppet parts in progress for an upcoming project.  

  • Cast and painted two more of these silicone heads. Has been a fun learning process. I followed  Tim Gore’s order of color application for these. One I cast too translucent which was good because now know how far is too far. Below Head # 1 is the too translucent one.

    Head # 2 below 

  • Cast and painted two more of these silicone heads. Has been a fun learning process. I followed  Tim Gore’s order of color application for these. One I cast too translucent which was good because now know how far is too far. Below Head # 1 is the too translucent one.
    Very cool! Do you plan on punching hair on them?
  • I finished this zombie sculpt a bit ago. In the process of molding and casting it. I've wanted to do a zombie for awhile and this was a lot of fun. I've also been trying to up my photo game a bit.

  • Very cool! Do you plan on punching hair on them?
    Yes will be my next step, I bought some crape hair but am looking for something a bit thicker. So am doing some research. Here was my concept art photoshop paintover from an early sculpt photo. A few bright color experiments, may stay slighly realistic. Will still get you a few pics of my matrix mold…I watched your time lapse of you making the alien character mold. A cool technique you used by laying up an initial silicone mold before making the outter mother mold! Nice work

  • Very cool! Do you plan on punching hair on them?
    Yes will be my next step, I bought some crape hair but am looking for something a bit thicker. So am doing some research. Here was my concept art photoshop paintover from an early sculpt photo. A few bright color experiments, may stay slighly realistic. Will still get you a few pics of my matrix mold…I watched your time lapse of you making the alien character mold. A cool technique you used by laying up an initial silicone mold before making the outter mother mold! Nice work

    Awesome - I look forward to seeing them with the hair punched. Love the ropes through the upper and lower lip. Very cool. 
    Matrix mold - Yes! Would love to see them!
    Time lapse - thanks for watching!

  • A fun shrunken head project the above clay is Chavant medium.
    i made a matrix mold with a rigid silicone and cast the final with Platinum silicone, I ended up tinting the silicone with smooth on pigments and flocking, and airbrushed it with smooth on paints. Am not completely finished will do a little more finishing to the paintwork and add hair. Will glue on hair but leave some spacing around the glued on hair for hair punching. Has been fun watching the videos. In the 80s I made monster masks in my bedroom, was good times. Just getting back into it. 
    These are great TJ! So cool. Would love to see the matrix mold you did for these if you have any pics.
     Hey Jason here is a snapshot of my matrix mold….it is the first one I have made and covered the sculpture with wet paper towels and cellophane, then using a clay cutting wire layed wed clay on top making sure it was all the same thickness and added a grid like matrix on top of the thin clay then casted the plaster mother mold…then removed the clay and cellophane and wet paper towels….assembled the mother molds over the exposed sculpture then poured Smooth on Mokd star 30 into each side. 
  • Hey Jason here is a snapshot of my matrix mold….it is the first one I have made and covered the sculpture with wet paper towels and cellophane, then using a clay cutting wire layed wed clay on top making sure it was all the same thickness and added a grid like matrix on top of the thin clay then casted the plaster mother mold…then removed the clay and cellophane and wet paper towels….assembled the mother molds over the exposed sculpture then poured Smooth on Mokd star 30 into each side. 
    These are great - thank you for sharing!
  • Some work in progress pics of a stop motion puppet I’m building for a contest.  I really enjoyed David Allen’s Primevals,  and really loved the design work and animation.  Enjoy!
  • It’s a fan art puppet for a film I wish I had the chance to work on!
  • My first tabletop silicone prosthetic. Would really love any critique or comments. I know the edges are crap, I didn’t have any acetone on hand for blending when I spontaneously decided to apply it to freak out my daughter’s BFF.

  • Fellow student so take this at that level, not a presenter.

    Your sculpt and your initial mold look just like the ones in class. 

    Your blood/gore is appropriate and minimalized for real world (minus the obvious continuous flow that is missing if recently wounded).

    Because you were in a hurry (and you already know you were) the hair removal wasn't done. This brings two things to my mentions:

    1) Even in a hurry, one easy way to get the hair to the side is wet and paste it out away from the wound but in the middle (under the prosthetic) paste it inward into a central point and paint over it with your adhesive (good luck getting it off).  This gives your prosthetic area less transitional hairs to break the illusion BUT were quick steps that didn't include shaving etcetera and were done while you pasted on the prosthetic anyway. You just change the direction of you adhesive strokes or makeup strokes 

    2) Because the hair can be seen (only slightly) through the prosthetic, it means you very well achieved a good skin tone but with realistic translucency.

    And finally, you already mentioned the blending needs done followed by any no color powder and final makeup in the transition areas. All of which you can totally do now because you have an AWESOME REUSABLE MOLD!!!
  • I just completed a small overlapping prosthetic application for a film I was making for fun. It was a piece to exaggerate some of the actor's facial features, so he didn't look the same. This is the first semi-successful prosthetic application I have made. The unfortunate part was I made my mold out of plastic and did not have enough money to reinforce it with epoxy putty, so I had to be careful with the amount of pressure I used when I cast the prosthetic in the silicone. This means the edge of the prosthetic was not good, so I added pros aid and setting powder mixture on top to hopefully smooth the edges. When that didn't work, I just added a mustache and hid all the edges. The painting worked out decently, I pre painted with narrative cosmetics alcohol airbrush makeups and then later added a base layer of makeup to die down the harsh tones. I ended by adding the wig to cover other edges and called it good.

  • Darrell GreenDarrell Green ✭✭✭
    edited February 26
    I have been working with a group on therpf towards completing a Jude Law, Jod/Silvo cosplay. I clay sculpted his buckle (with a lot of input from the group) and then 3d scanned it in and worked in blender. A buddy pushed it through zbrush to fix a lot of the brokenness from the scanning and once more when finished because I had overworked the fractals in blender.

    Then I created a screen accurate one and a truly flat one for ease of printing. After printing it was surprisingly close to the onscreen version:

    Due to copyright, there was no intention of selling copies nor files and yes I have heard all the excuses about getting away with it but honor and integrity are worth way more than profit. 

    But, with that said, our finished print was snagged and up for sale on Etsy within 2 days:

    That is an overlay of our buckle on top of the etsy sale. Only the picture angle shows any change. Sigh.
  • Yep, unfortunately the internet is a vicious place for people hosting 3D models. There's still someone selling prints of a free model I uploaded, though they claim it's theirs and even countered the Etsy cease and desist order.

    Best you can do is show the world what you've got and that, hey, it's actually free!
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