Will Turner impersonation cosplay costume, Orlando Bloom impersonation cosplay costume

Orlando Bloom on left, I am on the right of this split face comparison.

It has been several years in the making and many of my parts builds are here on the forums in separate threads but ask any questions you wish and I will try to post the build process. Here is my facial impersonation of Orlando Bloom in his Pirates of the Caribbean 5 reunion scene with full costume and effects.

This includes colored contacts, facial hair shaping, jaw muscle building, reductive ear shaping using Rigid Collodian scar effects makeup, hand printed bandana, sewn coat, hand sculpted and resin cast buttons and buckles, hand made belts and sword belt, repurposed and reshaped sword blade, reshaped and wrapped scabbard and custom scratch built grip and hand guard. Shirt and pants were modified. Boot covers sewn from pattern. Boots recolored to match. The hair is my own and grew over the duration of this build. Skin color is partly natural tan and partially hand applied and/or spray tan. 

More of the step by step parts builds are on therpf at

Thread 'Will Turner impersonation cosplay costume, Orlando Bloom impersonation cosplay costume' https://www.therpf.com/forums/threads/will-turner-impersonation-cosplay-costume-orlando-bloom-impersonation-cosplay-costume.346150/

The newest poses are from FanX in Utah, last week. 9-26-24

  The ear shaping was a trial run in a new idea. Shaping with Rigid Collodian using its shrinking ability as a temporary way to negatively sculpt tissue. Be very cautious when doing this and train specifically for this product.

I had to recreate the print pattern in photoshop and make a stamp in order to complete this replication of the bandana. Others were available on the market but were not accurate.

This build was intense and covered many different methods. As an example, I chewed mastika gum for 6 months to gain the jawline. 

Plexiderm was used to bring my lower eye bags under control (Thank you @Chris Ellerby ). I have serious allergies and without the Plexiderm, I would have purple bulges in the pictures. I also used my scotch tape mask hydration trick to reduce facial wrinkles.

I still plan to get good final pictures at the beach but I am well satisfied with the effort thus far. For comparison, here I am prior to any effects makeup:

To this (Waiting for the crosswalk at last weeks FanX convention in Utah):

This sword is new to Will's outfit as of this POTC 5 release. If you zoom in, you can see the raised pattern I melted into the belt with a custom ceramic mold I sculpted for the purpose.


  • Outstanding work as usual on every bit of it!  That 95% likeness is crazy!

  • Thank you @Chris Ellerby, always appreciated!

    I forgot one final detail, nose plugs. Orlando has a nasal flare, likely from some form of breakage. I tried to overcome this with a nasal prosthetic applied to the exterior but noticed that his flare includes a decrease in the protrusion, not an increase. Nasal plugs, like swimmers plugs, were used to flare the nostrils sideways while also decreasing the natural protrusion of the tip of the nose. Coloring the plugs to match the natural shadow inside the nose was accomplished by adding gray for a final gray-pink. One fellow maker had stated that testing with some cotton balls would at least show if this were the correct adjustment. It quickly showed increases in likeness numbers. This was what pushed the highest 95 percent facial likeness in the android app. During this process, I also discovered safety tweezers with round tips. Putting anything, including professionally made nasal plugs and/or cotton in your nostrils is dangerous and could easily lead to scratches or an embarrassing trip to the ER, and that isn't even the beginning if you cover the choking hazard. It is one of those spots where it looks cool but the risks of experimenting don't match the benefit. Stick with external but if internal is needed, get the pre-made version that connects one side to the other. Hiding the exposed portion with effects is the right path. Orlando's slight flare (doesn't even show in some angles) also causes his septum to lower. This allows for prosthetic/cosmetic addition here to cover the nose plug binder (the little portion connecting one side to the other).
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