Custom Killer Klowns from Outer Space
Its been a while since I last posted on here but I just wanted to share my custom KILLER KLOWNS FROM OUTER SPACE Costumes for this years Halloween! My girlfriend and I created these masks out of latex, poly foam, and epoxy gloss. Sculpted out of WED clay, molded in fiberglass the masks took us a little over 3 weeks to complete. Painted using skin illustrator pallets and a mixture of rubber acrylic paint, the spit was a mix of glossy Mod Podge and red food coloring. Please leave me a comment and let me know how we did!
If you would like to see more of my work please follow me on instagram at: @CarlosgomezFX
Carlos & Aly!

Its been a while since I last posted on here but I just wanted to share my custom KILLER KLOWNS FROM OUTER SPACE Costumes for this years Halloween! My girlfriend and I created these masks out of latex, poly foam, and epoxy gloss. Sculpted out of WED clay, molded in fiberglass the masks took us a little over 3 weeks to complete. Painted using skin illustrator pallets and a mixture of rubber acrylic paint, the spit was a mix of glossy Mod Podge and red food coloring. Please leave me a comment and let me know how we did!
If you would like to see more of my work please follow me on instagram at: @CarlosgomezFX
Carlos & Aly!

And the clown mask is actually made from stan Winston studios. I really hope you can make this possible for me I'd be the happiest person ever. Stan Winston studios says that the mask could be made of rigged resin or poly glass or something like that.