
Sightless Alien - Hannah Moon, IG moonrisefx

Sightless Alien

Hello! My name is Hannah Moon I am a recent graduate from the Vocational Academy of Makeup and Prosthetics in Orlando, Florida. I am entering my sightless alien from my final project. My inspiration came from an artist named Tanoo Choorat. I came across his beautiful maquette online and decided to make it come to life. My alien is a custom multiple piece silicone project.

For this test, I also wanted to challenge myself and make some sort of attachment. Months back I saw Rick Bakers tongue appliance and could barely keep the vomit back every time I looked at it, so I figured that that was what I needed to make. 

My background story goes that it is an alien that had committed a hefty crime on his planet. He was to be sent to a planet with similar means of an oubliette alone to fend for himself, but before that, his eyes and ears were taken away. He was also fashioned with a pillory like in medieval times. The pillory bound his neck and wrists making it almost impossible to eat. For the final slap on the wrist, they attached a metal arm with a treble hook over his head and out of reach. On the treble hook was a savory, bloody piece of meat dangling forever out of reach. Unable to see, hear or reach the piece of flesh, the alien just wanders around starving and smelling the sweet meal. 

I started with the sculpt on my models life cast. 

From there, I sculpted teeth over my models dental impressions and made him a custom pair I thought would work well with my alien. 

While I floated my alien pieces off, I painted the teeth and set them aside.

I took one of the weekends to drive home and build the pillory. 

Once the two pieces floated, I molded one at a time in silicone and then resin and fiberglass. 

Next I sculpted the tongue. I decided to go with actual tongue anatomy. I looked up a dissected tongue and found the texture was very interesting. I decided to sculpt it with inspiration from it. The skinned tongue wasn’t enough for me, so I decided to split it as well. The outside shell is from a “fissured tongue” also known as scrotal tongue. This appliance was made to fit over my models tongue like a sleeve.

From there the pieces were molded and stippled with silicone and flocking to my liking. It took a couple tries, but I managed to find a way to attach the tongue pieces to the dental appliance so that when my model pushed his tongue out, the outer shell would fray out.

On application day, I bald capped my model, applied the multiple silicone pieces and airbrushed. There were some complications. I had skipped out on the edges because the end result was that he would have been covered in baldiez sheets, but time ran out. 

Regardless, I am very proud of myself.  More than half of everything I did was a first attempt. I worked my hind off and the end.. besides the edges 😬.. was better than I had thought it would be. 

Thank you for looking at my work! My IG is moonrisefx for more photos of the alien.

Hannah Moon


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