something about rod and hand puppets
in Puppets
hello there
I have a few questions:
1.if i want to do a foam latex rod puppet,like the one from "how to make a monster puppet", can i follow the tutorial and just switch silicone with foam latex?or may the mold and the resin head core will have bad reaction with the foam latex while baking?would be better to do an ultracal mold?
2.if i want to do a latex hand puppet,like the one from "garage monsters 2", and i want it to have a body with limbs and a tail how do i mold it?
Best Answer
Chris Ellerby Admin
You can run foam in an epoxy mold, or go with gypsum/stone molds. You just need to make sure what ever materials you use will not have any issues with the baking temperature. I'd check with the manufacturer if you have any concerns or questions about how a material will handle baking.
I have limited experience with foam and have only used stone (ultracal) molds with it. Next opportunity I have to work with foam I will likely be going the epoxy/fiberglass route.
Rtv Silicone Mold Making Casting Rubber 1/2 Gallon Kit.
You should be fine using different brands and types of silicone to make your mold. Just make sure you are using a durometer (firmness) of silicone that will work for your mold's needs, and if you are using a platinum or tin cure silicone some properties (like what inhibits the cure) may change.