TaunTaun Build
This is my second costume. I originally built this as a way to highlight my high school robotics team and inspire young kids to explore STEM based projects. Covid shut down everything and I decided to use it to "reverse trick o treat" and hand out candy to little kids. The body is basically chicken wire over PVC pipe held up by a backpack harness and carabiners. The legs are polycarbonate (Lexan) pieces from our FIRST robotics field covered in fur. I built casings for the drywall stilts. I made a giant head out of Plastilina and covered it with 20 or 30 layers of caulk and cheese cloth. After I made a poor man's mold, I used post filler from the hardware store to make the foam head. I painted it with acrylic craft paint and brushed out cheap yarn for the hair. I included pictures from the winter too because I think it looks cooler in a Hoth like environment.