Abe Sapien - Hellboy
For my first entry into the character makeup contest, this is my interpretation of Abe Sapien from the Hellboy films, played by the iconic Doug Jones, and designed for the film by Wayne Barlowe and Steve Wang of Spectral Motion.

The prosthetic was a slip cast latex piece I made while taking a sculpting class at Kosart Atelier, and was my first time attempting a piece of this size with this level of detail.

Rather than being an exact copy of Abe Sapien, this sculpture draws inspiration from him, the creature from The Shape of Water, as well as the Creature from the Black Lagoon.

The prosthetic was a slip cast latex piece I made while taking a sculpting class at Kosart Atelier, and was my first time attempting a piece of this size with this level of detail.

Rather than being an exact copy of Abe Sapien, this sculpture draws inspiration from him, the creature from The Shape of Water, as well as the Creature from the Black Lagoon.
Certain textures were added in some areas to give guidelines of a sort as to where to put paint details later in the paint process.
The face and bodysuit were then airbrushed.

To add lenses, a curved piece of blue plastic from a large Easter egg was inserted behind the latex, with a black fabric backing to hide my eyes. The lens is held in place with Velcro so it can be removed and replaced if needed.

Originally I had intended to paint iris designs on both eyes, but after some paint tests found that I couldn't see properly.
The gills were made of craft foam, cut out and airbrushed, and then glued to the neck of the suit.

To finish the suit, rubber soles were glued to the feet and then painted, as well as the addition of silicone webbing to the hands.

I had such a great time working on this look, as Doug Jones is one of my favorite actors, and I've never attempted a creature suit like this before in the past.
More of my makeup and costume work can be found on my Instagram, instagram.com/sharp.shot.efx

To add lenses, a curved piece of blue plastic from a large Easter egg was inserted behind the latex, with a black fabric backing to hide my eyes. The lens is held in place with Velcro so it can be removed and replaced if needed.

Originally I had intended to paint iris designs on both eyes, but after some paint tests found that I couldn't see properly.
The gills were made of craft foam, cut out and airbrushed, and then glued to the neck of the suit.

To finish the suit, rubber soles were glued to the feet and then painted, as well as the addition of silicone webbing to the hands.

I had such a great time working on this look, as Doug Jones is one of my favorite actors, and I've never attempted a creature suit like this before in the past.
More of my makeup and costume work can be found on my Instagram, instagram.com/sharp.shot.efx