Harold the Scarecrow -Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark-
Hello I'm part of "The Weekend Monsters" a group of artists who banded
together and formed an atelier to practice our passions and realize
projects and makeups, we do not make our living out of this, but it's
what we love to do so we do it on weekends (hence the name), last year
we were lucky enough to get a commission to recreate 2 full suits of
Harold the Scarecrow from the movie Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark
for the promotion of the movie in the cinemas in Costa Rica and Panama.
We had only the trailer and posters as reference to recreate the
character, but the client and ourselves were quite satisfied with the
product. I was the art director of the project and was in charge of the
sculpting, molding, painting and finishing of the latex masks. Here some
pics of the process and final product. Hope you like them!

Your group sounds amazing. It's awesome that you are able to get together and build such cool stuff!