Wolf after looking at your concept the most articulation for the hand could be had with a simple arm extension and just cheat the hand up inside the palm housing.
I mostly do puppets and have been focusing on mechanisms because I like working in Foam latex and it looks so cool when they articulate. The floating head was a test piece and got pretty ratty.The Frog guy was the first attempt at foam latex and the skin is way to thick.
This is the only creation so far I consider 'done'. He's gonna be part of a sci-fi, Star Trekky production and will be a side kick to the captian (eventually). I wish this picture looked better
Hey everyone. Just wanted to share a few pics. I've been patterning and assembling my legs and shoulders. I'm using 3/4 inch L-200. How's everyone else doing?
Hi Peter, the legs will have foam standoffs inside to keep them aliened correctly on my legs. There will be elastic straps glued to the thighs that will connect to the body pod with fast clips.
Peter, The knees will be 3/4 L-200 as well. They will be attached the same way. Tethered with elastic. I'll cover the leg, from ankle to mid thigh, with spandex. That will tie the leg together so that I can apply the wet foam latex.
So I created a prototype from my patterns- it was my first time using the paper method for pattern making and I have to say I loved it! You are only looking at the pattern at 300% from the original LOL It's going to be pretty big LOL I used Duct tape just to stabilize all the layers of foam so I could take a picture, The first picture is the base, the second pic is the stomach and butt added. The third is the breasts added and the 4th and 5th is the head and arms. After looking at the character and how he moved I decided to add a few more things...so in the last shot you can see I added shoulder blades and rolls of fat under his arms (all move independently. Anyway, tomorrow is the day I blow up the pattern to full size and start the task of building the "Full Size" character. Any feedback would be great.
The hands and feet are going to be sculpted separately and added next week.
Sorry, I just noticed that the pictures didn't load to their full size- it is 2:30am here and I have to get up in the morning...so....I'll edit the photos or add bigger ones tomorrow.
Hey Ted, I was sent 1/4 inch L-200 so I had to improvise. I had saved 200 play mats from a church nursery remodel thinking I may be able to use that one day, yesterday was the day! Lol
It was extra work for sure and the extra seams caused a few issues but it's working.
Tom it looks like the sketch you showed. Good job.
Troy: are you refering to making the duct tape manequin? Any tips for that? I dont plan to glue a lot of scales on my fish thing. I am hoping to utilize Ted´s structural texture stenceling he talked about
http://www.xrobots.co.uk/dummy/ this guy has some info on duct tape mannequin. I was speaking about making the large foam shapes, it can get crazy trying to glue the two halves together. Xrobots is also on YouTube. Wolf, Loved your work!
Wolf the eva does work if you are having trouble finding L-200. It will just take some extra effort. My body piece is sturdy it will only require minimal bracing.
Peter, The knees will be 3/4 L-200 as well. They will be attached the same way. Tethered with elastic. I'll cover the leg, from ankle to mid thigh, with spandex. That will tie the leg together so that I can apply the wet foam latex.
Hey Ted, What do you guys do for "temporary tethering" as you can see I used Duct tape- but duct tape doesn't stick well to foam.Let me know as I will be moving up to full scale tonight and will start piecing stuff together.
This is just kinda freaky looking without the skin. Here's some youtube links also. As you can tell I'm mostly trying to entertain the kids
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/cCfHP4YsQsg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Tried to embed. Oh well. Here's some links.
Ted, How about the knees? Are you doing the same thing but covering with 1/4 upholstery foam or something?
I used Duct tape just to stabilize all the layers of foam so I could take a picture, The first picture is the base, the second pic is the stomach and butt added. The third is the breasts added and the 4th and 5th is the head and arms. After looking at the character and how he moved I decided to add a few more things...so in the last shot you can see I added shoulder blades and rolls of fat under his arms (all move independently. Anyway, tomorrow is the day I blow up the pattern to full size and start the task of building the "Full Size" character. Any feedback would be great.
The hands and feet are going to be sculpted separately and added next week.
What do you guys do for "temporary tethering" as you can see I used Duct tape- but duct tape doesn't stick well to foam.Let me know as I will be moving up to full scale tonight and will start piecing stuff together.