The Alien Controlling a Robot

I took on a large Halloween project and this was my first time using L200 foam, creating latex masks/molds, electronics with voice changers/speakers, making a vacu-form mold and custom painting. I grew up loving Halloween and each year expand my knowledge building unique costumes. I went to the extreme this year to see what I could accomplish. Hope you enjoy.

Mattress form for basic mold and shape. Tie downs to hold structure to main body.

L200 foam and EVA foam cut and glued to shape. Tinfoil and tape was used to get the shapes prior to cutting foam.

Plastidip Sprayed the surface prior to paint.

Schematics for the plastic window mold.

After a plywood frame was built this high density foam was cut to fit and sand to rounded shape of the plywood frame.

Hard surface and sanded smooth ready to be vacu-formed.

Alien head and body was sculpted and molds were made. Slip latex for the alien body and foam latex for the head fitted for my face. A microphone was installed into the aliens chin and hooked up to voice changer kits and lights that were hobby kits from FRYs electronics. Sunglasses for alien eyes with holes drilled around the periphery for ventilation.

Perfect fit!

Painted with prosaide and paint. Alien seat made from EVA foam. Microphone installed in chin.

Test run #1 Fingers were able to open and close using 2 pairs of extendable clasps.

Painted to look like worn metal. Spray paint on rag and random patterns. EL Lights added to arms. Front lights connected to voice changer so they would flash as I talked.

Vents were added with fans installed on the inside to keep me cool.
Juice tops were placed to connect cables.

Spinning red light in the back to look like an energy source. Battle scar markings were burned into foam with soldering iron.

Black lights used in cockpit and glow paint for veins.

Mustard was put on before spray paint to make worn looking symbols. After the paint dried I chipped off the mustard.

Standing approximately 7.5 ft tall and 5 ft wide with speakers modified voice. Shoes were screwed into wood stilts and spray insulation foam to get bottom shape then EVA foam over the legs.

Open glass dome look with this night.

Hunting laser lights added to illuminate the ground mounted on arms.
Check out these short videos posted on you tube. Also check out other costumes posted "The Satyr" and "The Genie"
This was my biggest project yet taking approximately 300 hours to complete.
Post edited by Kyle Tetz on
First time build of this magnitude.