Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf

The armor was built on the day before the convention. On the Friday of the convention I sealed all the foam armor in black plasti-dip, and finished layering hair onto the foam wig. After that was done at 4:00 pm. My brother and I packed up and left for the convention at 5pm. I got the hotel at 9 and went to sleep.
My brother and I got up a 6:00 a.m. While in the hotel we dry brushed painted the armor, built the crown, made the skirt, and punched all the hair on the head, and face. We also made the skirt cape, added the fur, and all the jewels to finish it up.
After 3 days of intense work, no sleep, and being late to prejudging I got this done. Scene I did not get to prejudging I was not eligible for any awards. They were nice enough to let me go on stage. I am grateful I was able to show everyone my work.
After 4 hours in costume sweat and face paint got into my eyes. It turned my eyes blood shot red which really added to the presentation.
It is not yet 100%, but it is a working character. I will add up dates when it is complete.
Here are the convention photos my brother took.
It was thanks to all of these great video lessons. With out the lessons I would have struggled, and given up.
I am so happy this school exists. It's opened my eyes to a world of possibilities.