Comic Con SFX Panel

Hi all,

My local Comic-Con have asked me to host a 45min SFX panel. I was going to go through products, techniques to make prosthetics and finish with a live make-up demo.

Does this sound good, should I add or change something?

Any advice would be appreciated. 

Thank you,



  • Sounds interesting! 

    I would just make sure you have enough time to cover products, techniques, and a demo in 45 minutes. 

  • I am thinking;

    Introduction (5 min)

    Products & Materials (10 min)

    Techniques & Prosthetics (10-15 min) Slides of the process, of sculpting, casting, etc (Not making anything live.)

    Live Demo (15-20 min) Apply a premade prosthetic, bruise and blood

    Q&A (5 min)

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