An American Werewolf in London - Bust

My most recent project finished up. I sculpted this originally planning to make a Halloween mask/costume for this Halloween but ended up casting it in smooth-on liquid plastic to hang as a display. Started the paint job with a spray on grey primer, then airbrushed some shadows in the folds and around the eyes. Eyes were hand painted and coated with UV resin, same with the teeth. Then finished off with dark grey and a little bit of black crepe hair. 


  • @Mike McCoy admittedly you do great work and I am starting to just get used to that from you but dang dang dang, this would NOT be hanging on my wall. The number of near cardiac events I would be responsible for with visitors...
  •  :D hahaha! i should probably start giving warnings to visitors so that doesn't happen! but thank you so much, i really appreciate that! :) 
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