My costume for 2024 haunt season

My character is called Silas Kane. He is an original design based loosely as a mix between the creeper from jeepers creepers, Davy jones of the pirates movies, Freddy Krueger and an old west gunslinger. I started a year ago as I work at a haunt and I was allowed to make a costume..I always hated how most costumes looked and I wanted to stand out and look like I walked off of a movie mask is from immortal masks as they are top notch and the rest of the costume is pieced together from various old bits of work clothing and a duster from historical emporium..I wanted the character to look perpetually wet yet burnt as his backstory describes..I achieved this by using spray foam dabbed and rolled all over various spots and then painted with several paints to get an under look..then I clear coated all the fabric and hat..the outfit soaked a total of 4 times in fabric softener and water to make it not flexible and the coat more billowy..the outfit was then liquid latexed several generous coats and a light coating of black gloss over its entirety..altogether I spent a year and about $2200 to create this’s a link from one of my nights at the haunt:

Silas Kane Backstory

Silas Kane was a police agent for the Union Pacific Railroad.

After several years of service , the railroad denied him the deed to the land that was promised to him at the start of his employment, he was thrown from a train and dropped into the Mississippi River.

He managed to swim to shore, where he climbed aboard a docked merchant vessel on its way out to sea and disguised himself as one of the crewmen and spent several years at sea. eventually during one of his arrivals to the port of Louisiana, he found himself to be a sure winner in the game halls, but eventually his luck would run out and after gambling away all that he’d earned and unable to pay back his debts he was beaten close to death and  tossed in the bayou and left to he was slowly swallowed by the swamp he was pulled from the murky water by a mysterious women named Marie Laveau whom nursed him back to health and bestowed upon him the gift of voodoo..she gave him a gators head staff which holds all the powers of the bayou and is fueled by the supernatural..soon after, Silas became a highwayman and began terrorizing the land and sea and became a legend many feared.

One stormy evening Marie Laveau lay dying in her home and she called upon Silas Kane to return to her the power she once bestowed to him so that she might live..Silas refused and with the last bit of voodoo she had left she cursed him to walk forever between realms, doomed to be lost in the void of the swamp, neither dead nor among the living, to be forgotten by the rest of the world.

He was then cast into that dark realm and his mystical staff was lost to the unknown.

Many treasure seekers have searched for the Staff of Kane looking to behold its is said that if found, that the staff will bring Silas back from the void.

In 2023, a man found the Staff of Kane in a local antique shop in North Carolina.. upon grasping the staff the man found himself trapped in the dark realm and in his place stood a striking figure..clad in a tattered trench coat and hat and engulfed by the muck and rot of the swamp, his flesh and clothes seeming to blend into one and the eyes of the staff glowing with the power of the supernatural.. Silas Kane was back in the land of the living ready to exact his revenge against the world, dragging the poor souls of those that cross his path to the swampy void!

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