Rodney the punk rock alien

This is Rodney. He is my first sfx undertaking. I did everything myself including the sculpt, molds, runs, and application and painting. It's a full face, half head sculpt made of foam latex. Painted with pax paint and alcohol paint splatter. And a bottom teeth denture made of acrylic, and painted with alcohol paints. He is inspired by my love of the punk scene.


  • Darrell GreenDarrell Green ✭✭✭
    edited August 2024
    This is really cool. I know, silly sounding compliment, but I love the idea of the full character, fleshing out each detail. I noticed the tattoos, not mentioned in original post, and thought they might be on the actor with just the mask over it, thus making the "punk" feature necessary because of wanting to avoid addressing the tattoo coverups and blending. BUT then I saw the before picture and see no tattoos. So, I have to rethink my first impression and now I am seeing this build includes character backstory, full clothing detail, tattoos applied and the mask. So now I question if there is more work done here? Nail color and finger tattoos? Or are these on the model?

    Almost forgot: The body jewelry applied directly to the skull is a whole new concept for me. Piercings are on humans where it is convenient or medically safe. It is rare but not unheard of to have them in unsafe locations but for an alien..... they would be in different locations and you nailed it with combining the idea of punk, piercing and the stylistic approach an alien might take to piercings, following the natural ridgeline of the skull. In essence taking a non-threatening smooth skull creature and giving it a threatening feature that might very well be on another more aggressive alien species. Which completely captures the punk intent but on an alien. I hope I am not assuming so much backstory and character meta info but kudos all the same. It looks like much more than a sculpt for sure. You have an actual character, ready to take some lines.
  • its a great character and a lot of cool work. I wish however, that there d be echos of the tattoos on the head too and echos of the scales and skin colouring of the head on the hands and neck too. Painted on would sufffice here I d say. But it would really pull the character together into a whole while atm it still looks like a put on mask because those details are missing. Otherwise I think its great work.
  • Tom LucaTom Luca ✭✭✭
    Like it. Kinda has a STAR WARS/STAR TREK meets LITTLE MONSTERS (1989) theme or feel to it? Great job. 
  • Tom LucaTom Luca ✭✭✭
    edited August 2024
    Did you mean to have the ears slightly protruding? Because as you probably already know? You could have tucked them in a bit more in the Lifecasting stage. I've seen a Lab or Mold Technician pull over the bald cap to hide them and if I recall I think he even used medical tape to hold them fast to the actor's head? Just thought I'd ask although you might not have intended the ears hidden. Looks great. By the way, love the theatrical lighting and smoke atmospheric effects. 
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