Gory Severed Arm Prop

Mike McCoyMike McCoy ✭✭✭
Working on this gnarly arm filet prop for a short film being shot in Syracuse, NY in the next few weeks. I took the arm off a skeleton prop, added some spray foam and when it was at a tacky/stringy stage I used a popsicle stick to spread it around a little bit. Then added some latex and cotton. I took an alginate cast of my hand, did a latex skin and filled with foam and stuck the wrist of the skeleton arm into it (had to break off a couple of finger tips). I can't wait to put this all together with the makeup on our actor. 


  • Awesome work!

  • Admittedly, I was short on info when I first zoomed in. I had read as far as "spread it around". Somehow my screen had not yet populated the text about the hand and you had me wondering about why the skin looked perfect, like human hands. I was a little more at ease after rereading the text again. A little bit of peach fuzz hair on that index finger and thumb and I would have no reason to believe it was a prop and, yes, I looked for it.
  • Mike McCoyMike McCoy ✭✭✭
    @Chris Ellerby thank you so much!
  • Mike McCoyMike McCoy ✭✭✭
    @Darrell Green Thank you so much!! I was actually thinking the same thing about the peach fuzz, i might still add some just for that extra detail! 
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