What's On Your Workbench? (Fall 2023)

in General
We love seeing current projects from our community members. Sharing your work on our forums not only gets your work seen by a large audience but also motivates and inspires other artists. We may even feature some of your projects on our social media!
You can either share images and videos below as comments on this discussion or post your own discussion with your work. So don't be shy, show us what you've got!
You can either share images and videos below as comments on this discussion or post your own discussion with your work. So don't be shy, show us what you've got!
What's On Your Workbench?
This replica is 30 dollars in lieu of Adam's 20,000 version.
Second, my brain immediately focused on your shoes when I read "killer crocs".
I just finished up this guy! The Wendigo Creature suit was fabricated out of EVA Foam, Latex, Poly Foam, Cotton, and a multitude of other materials both art and construction related.
This guy is wearable and even has LED light up eyes!
If you would like to see more of my work please follow me on Instagram :@CarlosgomezFX
4 silicone masks, 2 with a full head of hair.
The Orc one is still a prototype, and will get its new core before the end of the month (I'm doing an hydrocal cast of the inside of the mask's mold with the mask inside, than a matrix mold, and then an epoxy and fiberglass core. I worked to improve the fit of my half mask power mesh hood too. Plus, I got some time to improve my shop a bit (new shelves and new lighting in my paint room)
So yeah, busy month haha.