Yukako... I'll have to play a bit of catch up with my home work. I left for Japan the day after the first webcast! (I was also unaware that watch and chat students participated in the homework and evaluation... Thought that was just workshopers! I wasn't sent a link like this for the BJ Guyer course, so probably missed out on participating...)
I should be back on the 13th and will get right on it!
Since you paid for a workshop seat, you should have received an email with a hangout link a day before the live web course. I have sent an email with a hangout link to this email address: themikefx@gmail.com.
If you have a different email address, please let me know!
If you are still willing to submit homework, September 25th is the due.
I did get the hangout link... Thought that was related to the actual day of the video course and was unable to attend. I'll do my best to submit homework for this course... Back in town on Sunday.
Was there a set up like this for the BJ Guyer Mechs course? I don't think I got a link like this for that classes homework... I was under the impression watch and chat students were'nt involved in the homework thing (first time class attendee) so I watched from afar... Thought that was the privilege of signing up to the workshop level.
When is the deadline for BJ's homework and where would I post it, if I managed to knock something together in time?
Also wondering if the YouTube link to rewatch videos works on iPhone... I seem to have been able to watch on my laptop, my email address is themikefx@gmail.com on YouTube, but I seem unable to connect on my phone... I'll look into it more on my end, but can't figure out why...
I made individual forum for each student so that the instructor & we administrators are able to keep track of your homework easily. But yes it is the privilege for workshop students to get more attention from instructors.
Your email address is already added to the video. Please make sure you are logged onto YouTube before clicking the link.
Post your homework by September 25th, and feel free to join Hangout if you would like. That way you can talk to the instructor and ask questions. Even if you don't have homework ready, it's a good opportunity to talk to the instructor and just hang out with us!
Really quick sculpt, with an inspirational image I found on Instagram. Already started to change it a bit... Going to ditch the mask look. The possibility is there to go clown like (think drunken hobo) or just grumpy old man. I've gone a bit generic with the character in order to make it flexible as far as changing to different characters. Lots of options to alter the sculpt with epoxy putty! I've also chosen to go smaller with the puppet scale, since I'm not playing to live audience. It'll mostly be used for table top practice/video work. Not to mention, I like smaller scale puppets!
Headed back out of town, so I'll be taking the head, eye forms, brass rod, Aves Apoxie Sculpt and a dremel with me. I'll continue to post progress here... Puppet mechanics from the road!
By the way, how far along should certain aspects of the puppet be, by the 25th? Since I'll be on location, I will concentrate on mechanizing the head, plus having the hands and feet ready to go... I'll have to bash out a wood and fabric (soft joints) body once I'm back in town. (Shouldn't be too difficult for me!)
Been bashing out body parts and further mechanizing the head, since getting back into town... Here's the castings of the chest, hips, legs, feet and hands... Everything aside from the arms that I'd need to start assembling... Sewing up arms tomorrow and installing springs in the head, not to mention making the controller!
A bit more progress... Springs and test stringing of the eye-blink and mouth movement, finished. Chest to body attachment, leg assembly and controller assembled.
Couple of final photos while the video is uploading to YouTube... I had to reconfigure the mouth mechanism to utilize a counter weight, rather than a spring... Spring was still too strong and the head was lifting up. Probably have to to the same to the eye blink... Might also replace the arms with dowel rods and thin rope. The fabric seems stiff and the arms are a bit out of control... Otherwise I'm happy with where it's at and really happy with the double neck joint.
I should be back on the 13th and will get right on it!
Since you paid for a workshop seat, you should have received an email with a hangout link a day before the live web course. I have sent an email with a hangout link to this email address: themikefx@gmail.com.
If you have a different email address, please let me know!
If you are still willing to submit homework, September 25th is the due.
Was there a set up like this for the BJ Guyer Mechs course? I don't think I got a link like this for that classes homework... I was under the impression watch and chat students were'nt involved in the homework thing (first time class attendee) so I watched from afar... Thought that was the privilege of signing up to the workshop level.
When is the deadline for BJ's homework and where would I post it, if I managed to knock something together in time?
I made individual forum for each student so that the instructor & we administrators are able to keep track of your homework easily. But yes it is the privilege for workshop students to get more attention from instructors.
Your email address is already added to the video.
Please make sure you are logged onto YouTube before clicking the link.
Post your homework by September 25th, and feel free to join Hangout if you would like. That way you can talk to the instructor and ask questions. Even if you don't have homework ready, it's a good opportunity to talk to the instructor and just hang out with us!
Let me know if you have questions.

Really quick sculpt, with an inspirational image I found on Instagram. Already started to change it a bit... Going to ditch the mask look. The possibility is there to go clown like (think drunken hobo) or just grumpy old man. I've gone a bit generic with the character in order to make it flexible as far as changing to different characters. Lots of options to alter the sculpt with epoxy putty!I've also chosen to go smaller with the puppet scale, since I'm not playing to live audience. It'll mostly be used for table top practice/video work. Not to mention, I like smaller scale puppets!
Feet and hands are underway...
By the way, how far along should certain aspects of the puppet be, by the 25th?
Since I'll be on location, I will concentrate on mechanizing the head, plus having the hands and feet ready to go... I'll have to bash out a wood and fabric (soft joints) body once I'm back in town. (Shouldn't be too difficult for me!)
I would recommend you focus on mechanizing the head and start getting other parts of the body ready for an assembly.
(although the last email said post by Monday...)