Completed Alien xenomorph costume wanted

Hello – I am trying to find an alien costume from the Sigourney Weaver "Aliens" films. This is for a private event on October 3rd, here in LA. My fiancé and I are having a Predator-themed wedding and we would love to have an authentic Alien make a brief cameo appearance (less than 10 mins)!
We love both franchises and adore your studio's work, and I know this would make her happy to see both represented.
I have had no luck finding a licensed Alien costume in any rental house or costume store in Los Angeles, and you guys are my last hope!
Please contact me if you have made one (or know someone who has made one) and can help me out. I basically need the suit, or someone in the suit, for approximately 10 or 15 mins on Saturday, October 3rd, and of course I'll pay whatever the rental or appearance fee is. Please contact me as soon as possible! Thank you very, very much,
– Cooper
If you have no luck here, there may be some local folks from the RPF that might have something.
You could also try the "Special Effects, Prosthetic Make-up Effects and All Things Practical" Facebook group:
Lot of local LA folks on there who collect/make costumes.
Best of luck!
Ok - On Ebay I have seen some Xenomorph heads however no body's. Plus Quality is low.
This link has a few builders of them and there might be someone in LA..
There are a few fan sites for the Predator's and some of the costumes are very movie quality. One can lower the hits with "alien xenomorph cosplay" or variants. The Xenomorph helps filter out a lot of unwanted hits.
Wishing you and your partner all the best on the day..