Telemetric Input device documentation
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Christopher Vaughan ✭✭✭✭✭ to know about the waldo? Ask the guy who invented it.Rick Does skype sessions for about $60.6 -
David Boccabella Moderator
I've been interested in making a Waldo for a while.. Just need to get a face mold (try doing that when there is no one to help you.. Dunk your head into a bucket of plaster?? )
Anyway - there is this Vid that you can get a lot of idea's from
However - you can see that they use linear resistors that can be a little stiff in their movements.
Recently I have found this
its a length of rubber that varies it's resistance on being stretched. This means that you can have the sensors very close to the skin. It's strength is fairly low so it's easy to map facial movements with like lips, eyebrows, etc.
if you want to detect eye blinks then tat becomes a little more tricky. A straight open/close you can use something like a IR reflection on the eye (harmless)
But for something more advanced then you could go myoelectric to detect the movement of the eye muscles
Although the Neurosky system looks fun it's very inaccurate.
To control things without it being seen as controlling things there are these idea's.
I made a simpler version using hall effect switched in the mouthguard and having a magnet on the tongue.
Hope this helps..
Thanks again,
I've been pushing n with my experiments but have had some technical holdups.
None of the holdups have been in the mouth interface, but more the powering and communication side.
I am also currently experimenting with EMG which is picking up the signals for the facial muscles using electrodes. If this works then it be easy to do an almost one to one mapping of a face to a character's face. Raise eyebrows and character does same, snarl, wink etc.
Plus you can use other muscles to activate wings and special effects.
For my needs I will be looking at embedding the electrodes in a prosthesis so it will be easy to apply groups of electrodes at once.