Rubber cement paint issues

Hey folks! I'm new here and enjoying it.So i have a question regarding rubber cement paint. I'm using Best Test rubber cement + best test Bestine + universal tint.
My issue is when I spray the mixture with my paasche single action airbrush it comes out quite webby or in a squirt [ best way I can describe it] not like a nice spray with rd 407 /tint mix.

It seems like when thin iit down more it looks like no paint is coming out and only a matte medium type spray.

What the secret ratio to get it working correctly?


  • I believe the webbing is caused by the solvent flashing off before the rubber hits the surface. I don't know the specific ratios, but I've reached out to our team to see if we can find more answers for you.  

  • Hey @Dastardlypainter74 - In chapter 4 of our course "How to Make a Dinosaur - Part Three: Painting & Finishing," instructor Ted Haines recommends a 1:5 ratio of Rubber Cement to Thinner. Give it a shot, and let us know how it goes!
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