Lord of the Rings -Orc of Baradur
The Silicone Head piece is Curtesy of Immortal...I have added Make up to enhance the over all look of the creature and to bring out the fine lines in the Head piece as well and to make him look more menacing and evil...the contact were from Primal if you look closely they two different ones...the rest of this costume was built and bought and pieced together...I made the Armor myself from thick foam. The gloves were made from a mesh that looks like chainmail and I added small skulls to them you see the same thing mesh chainmail around the neck and Partially on the arms Gauntlets were self made with the same hard foam that made the chest piece...the axes are hard foam...the Bow is made from hard plastic ...he does carry arrows on the back...with a Burlap belt that has been burned in on the sides for a worn effect...the shin pads were also completely made with the same hard foam...the foot claws were bought and I added the wrap sandals to still show the orc's clawed feet...the fur that he wears around his shoulders was a throw rug and had it stitched to fit over the shoulder and had already been worn in....and of course he carries the RING of Power which actually lights the elvish inscription in red
Video can be seen at https://youtu.be/qyxwySZofEo

when you hit a small but
Video can be seen at https://youtu.be/qyxwySZofEo

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