Undead Warlord

This character is a personal creation imagined and modeled on computer by Bruno Câmara https://www.artstation.com/brunocamara with the software Z brush, then printed in 3D and painted for fun by Frédéric Wajeman https://www.fxdeco.com and https://www.lifesizestatuehd.com. Its manufacture required 5 weeks of work for two people + the time of computer modeling. The sculpture was made in full size. It is 61 in x 37 in wide x 24 in thick. Its weight is about 33lb. A central frame makes it possible to stabilize and maintain the different parts that make up the character. About fifty digital files have been prepared and printed in PLA which is the main material for FDM 3D printing. The pieces were sanded, coated, painted with steel powder to reproduce rust. Oxidation was carried out with acid and water. A patina was made in order to age the whole and highlight the metal. A wax was applied to stabilize the oxidation. The clothes were purchased, adapted, worn and patinated to age them.

Final & making of :
The chalice :
The helmet :

The chalice :

The helmet :

Love to work on something that size once!