The Chicken Squirrel - CG / practical puppet hybrid

A rare sighting of this species in West Sussex, England. They once thrived at Chanctonbury Ring before the great storms of 1987 destroyed much of their habitat. This little guy is hybrid of practical puppetry and CG. He has a latex and foam body with bike cable mechanisms for his legs and jaw. I filmed the puppet in the woods and used motion matching to add CG eyes and the inner mouth. Thanks for the excellent tutorials David Monzingo, Deborah Galvez and BJ Guyer!

A rare sighting of this species in West Sussex, England. They once thrived at Chanctonbury Ring before the great storms of 1987 destroyed much of their habitat. This little guy is hybrid of practical puppetry and CG. He has a latex and foam body with bike cable mechanisms for his legs and jaw. I filmed the puppet in the woods and used motion matching to add CG eyes and the inner mouth. Thanks for the excellent tutorials David Monzingo, Deborah Galvez and BJ Guyer!
Post edited by Christopher Roe on
I hope that made sense
Best of luck in the contest!