
[Character makeup contest ] body of souls by kelly odell (entry 1 )

edited February 2018 in Character Makeup Contest
HELLO,, i am kelly odell, 31,a makeup and special effects artist from leicester england. I do makeup, hair, SFX, and face and bodypaint - so im kind of slow trying to get great at everything as there is always so much to learn ! I just need to keep practicing and practicing and practicing. :)

Here is my first submission of a recent design inspired by bipolar and depression art/mental health. Please wait a few moments as there are quite a few images to load.

 As it was low budget, a tight schedule and just for photoshoot purposes i cast most of the items using slip latex. I also had a go at making some tattoo transfers and posaide transfer wounds. some of the concept was inspired by my model who suffers from mental illnesses and she said to encorporate hands. We used her hands to make a cast and then i filled them with latex and cotton wool - they was quite hard to attach hence why they look abit distorted. The faces and hands within the sculpt were done using alginate impressons of the model - as we did a day of posing into the alginate which helped me speed up the sculpting process by pouring in melted monster clay into those impressions. This was also my 2nd attempt at a pull over mask that i used in this design. It has the words ''im fine'' scarred into the forehead, and when you turn it upside down it reads ''save me''
i did have HORRIFY  ME take professional images of this and he also added a lot of blood to the makeup - once we had shot it without because thats his style he loves gore, whereas i know to try and show a makeup off without adding too much blood.
I learnt a lot with this design and i am hoping to evolve this design with better materials for better edges and to give my self more time making my pieces and also applying them on the day.

please take a look at my video of this design

Post edited by Kelly Odell on


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