Frankie's Girl Art Doll

      12 inch Polymer Clay Art Doll: 'Frankie's Girl' is the Bride of Frankenstein with a Rockabilly twist. This piece was inspired by an image I stumbled upon online from artist Daniel Hird, titled the same, used with his permission. I was honored he allowed me to borrow his idea and make my own version of it. Daniel told me he created the character for use in a future graphic novel but I created my own backstory around the doll. Frankie's girl is a waitress at 'Bone Broth's, a 1950s era diner/bowling alley where all the patrons she serves are just as undead as she is. Her skin is a sickly pallor, tinted green. Her flesh also betrays the evidence or her origins in the lab. She carries a silver tray with a deviously delectable dish that would certainly be deadly if her customers weren't already deceased. The tray includes fresh brain, made by me, eyeballs, embalming fluid and a curiously concocted elixir of some sort... chefs secret recipe, of course! Frankie's girl shows of her various tattoos including sugar skulls, roses, poison bottle, and lightning bolt among others. She wears a black and white polka dot dress, matching wedge shoes, and a matching bow decorating her iconic hair which is styled to complement this retro interpretation. 
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