Alien Insect Warrior

To Stan Winston school of character Arts:
I really don't expect to win anything here but I thought you might find this interesting. If not, well thats ok too.
I was asked to create a "Halloween Ball" way back in 1986 or 87 for the hospital I worked at and I wanted to make myself some kind of costume and so created this "Alien Insect Warrior" from scratch and out of whatever I could toss together. 
I made a sketch (shown) and then modified it to the finished version. 
It was great fun and I never really got any reward or payment for putting on the ball except for some recognition. Unfortunately nobody knew who I was because I was in costume. 720 people showed up for that event.
By this time I had been making masks and costumes for several years, some of it I picked up second hand from Rick Baker via a friend and then set about on my own to learn more. I got pretty good at it and still do minor stuff around Halloween.
This idea is definitely original.
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