Dragon Geisha
This character was created for a short film called "Monsters"
Character Desciption:
Materials and process:
I used the Kurat Demon prosthetic brow from MostlyDead.com, airbrushed the face with EBA white and then added a white and red mix to create a gradient pink tone on the prosthetic ridges, horns and checkbones. I also added a traditional red Geisha lip. The wig was purchased online and re-styled according to traditional Geisha customs.
The burn was created with Skin Tite silicone from Smooth On directly on the cheek. After that I added Kryolan scab blood and BenNye Ash on the burn scar to accentuate the burned flesh.
Director/Writer: Damian King (www.instagram.com/screptile)
Actress/Costume Designer: Erica Hau (www.instagram.com/missehau)
Makeup Artist: Tatjana Bluchel (www.instagram.com/makeupbytatjana) (me ;-)
Assistant: Jessica Allen (www.instagram.com/jallenfxbeauty)

Character Desciption:
“The dragon Geisha represents the weird creations our mind creates that haunt us in the periphery of our vision. She lives in the mirror world, menacing our thoughts from beyond.”
Materials and process:
I used the Kurat Demon prosthetic brow from MostlyDead.com, airbrushed the face with EBA white and then added a white and red mix to create a gradient pink tone on the prosthetic ridges, horns and checkbones. I also added a traditional red Geisha lip. The wig was purchased online and re-styled according to traditional Geisha customs.
The burn was created with Skin Tite silicone from Smooth On directly on the cheek. After that I added Kryolan scab blood and BenNye Ash on the burn scar to accentuate the burned flesh.
Director/Writer: Damian King (www.instagram.com/screptile)
Actress/Costume Designer: Erica Hau (www.instagram.com/missehau)
Makeup Artist: Tatjana Bluchel (www.instagram.com/makeupbytatjana) (me ;-)
Assistant: Jessica Allen (www.instagram.com/jallenfxbeauty)

This was actually done on purpose so it looked like a mask. I wanted to emphasize that we don't know who this really is, is it a dragon, a geisha or maybe behind the mask it is just the reflection of the lead character (since he saw her as a reflection in the mirror in our short film).