Leatherface 2022 silicone mask
I spent a little time with Tom Devlin (of Tom Devlin's Famous Monster Museum) this past weekend and got to discussing my issues /struggles with making a silicone mask..namely that i didn't have a core or a proper headform to sculpt on ...I did mention i had a CFX bust form for displaying masks on and he suggested i try using that as it mainly fit the human head more proportionally than the Ed head form i usually use..
So after viewing the new Netflix TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE movie i came away with a little dissatisfaction in the look of Leatherface's new face...its too sad...so i thought i know that was not the only idea they had for the face but ended up bieng the one settled on....I like my Leatherfaces to be a bit more angry looking..
so..I present my version of Leatherface 2022..hopefully will be getting this gelcoated and glassed this weekend...Plans are to cast it in Dragonskin and hopefully it will be a big enough hit to wear in cosplay.

So after viewing the new Netflix TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE movie i came away with a little dissatisfaction in the look of Leatherface's new face...its too sad...so i thought i know that was not the only idea they had for the face but ended up bieng the one settled on....I like my Leatherfaces to be a bit more angry looking..
so..I present my version of Leatherface 2022..hopefully will be getting this gelcoated and glassed this weekend...Plans are to cast it in Dragonskin and hopefully it will be a big enough hit to wear in cosplay.

I also have a tutorial on how i did the fiberglass mold on my Youtube channel if anyone may be interested in taking a look
Karolina Kiwi Creations
I used a little different material than some people normally do AND explained why...:)