cable-driven Arm puppets
in Puppets
does anyone know if they can help me out when it goes to making a Cable driven puppet arms for a child or doll-sized animatronic? I am working on a bike cable-driven chucky doll and need some help on how the arms move. Thanks!!!

Do you have any photos of your prototype to help us visualize how it's currently working, so we can see what might be changed to help you get it to where you want it?
These courses may also help you:
If you want to add more degrees of movement (like shoulder rotation, or shoulder forward/backward) you would just need to add more cables and more joints. With 4 cables and a ball and socket joint, you can get some good movement for a shoulder joint. Then for rotation, you can add another rotational joint to the bicep so the entire arm can rotate.
As you start to add more cables the challenge becomes how to control them all, so you may want to look into designing a joystick-style controller, that can handle 4 cables at its base and a handle twist to control an additional 2 cables. That would give you control over the shoulder and upper arm rotation, so you would still need another controller for lower arm raise/lower, and any wrist/hand/finger movement you want.
If it's a fully cable-driven puppet, as many of the Chucky puppets were, it would be a cable mech. For example, you can see the setup below:
One concept that may help is making sure that each cable mechanism can move on its own without having to fight/interact with another mechanism. This typically means the housings will terminate at the same segment that is being moved. So if you have a chain of linkages, each with its own cable controls, each segment should be self-contained.
You may need to do a lot of testing and prototyping to find out how to stack things to work for your application.