Dark Fae, Khalida and Athanasius
Here's a sneak peak behind her story..
Khalida was out taking her late night stroll down the same dark road that she had traveled many times with her critter Athanasius. A mist of fog appeared in the air out of nowhere on this fall night, a creepy eerier feeling brushed over her as she felt a deep stabbing sensation on her backside. Within moments Khalida fell on her drenched bloody wings, seeing Athanasius lying motionless over her wings. So have you become curiosity to how this story will unfold. Some day my story will come to life, but until then, thanks to all that have taken a peak inside my world, Darlene .
The Dark Fae and her Critter are sculpted out of La Doll Premier clay over a strong armature and stringed to allow repositioning, she is painted with ink and acrylic paint.