Dragon emerging from volcano

Hi everybody!

My name is Anna and this is my entry for the contest! Hope you like it!

I decided to sculpt a dragon, particularly for this contest. I started about two weeks ago and below I'm showing some steps in the process. I sketched up a design I though looked cool. I decided to only use it as an "idea" for the sculpture which means I did freestyle and changed a bit making the figure itself. Two photos are from the unpainted product and below them you find one of the "test-paint" overlays in Photoshop, which shows the colour scale I planned to use. Below is the finished product. 

I recorded the process too and intend to make it into a video later on for my one week old YouTube-channel, which currently only has one video... (But you can check it out there --> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClBbsTTV0Jz7eqn-TdENAMA )


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