Mr Hyde
Here is my mister Hyde, a character taken from The Strange Case of Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, the short novel written by Robert Louis Stevenson.
Model: Jack Edelweiss
Photoshoot done at: @ecolemeta
I did this mr Hyde makeup during my year of study. Designed, sculpted, made, applied and make-up by myself. It is a latex prosthetic, applied with ProsAide adhesive and made up with a skin illustrator palette as well as Beneye greasy eyeshadows. I also entirely made a custom dental prostheses for my model from a translucent flexible polymer clay, painted / tinted with a skin illustrator palette and greasy eyeshadows, then varnished.
Instagram: @mald.s.paw

Model: Jack Edelweiss
Photoshoot done at: @ecolemeta
I did this mr Hyde makeup during my year of study. Designed, sculpted, made, applied and make-up by myself. It is a latex prosthetic, applied with ProsAide adhesive and made up with a skin illustrator palette as well as Beneye greasy eyeshadows. I also entirely made a custom dental prostheses for my model from a translucent flexible polymer clay, painted / tinted with a skin illustrator palette and greasy eyeshadows, then varnished.
Instagram: @mald.s.paw