SPFX Body Paint_Fast Forward
“Fast Forward”, created by Nadia Vanek and modelled by Lilli, takes us back in time to remember an alternative future timeline - reminding us of the way artists and designers of past generations envisioned and fantasised about their future. What looks retro and old fashioned to us now, bright neon colours, low-polygon graphics, and dystopian future worlds was once what we expected our present to be, shaping so many of our treasured science-fiction works, and giving us the imagination and drive for continual technological advancement. “Fast Forward” has been inspired by the worlds from “12 Monkey’s”, Blade Runner, Back to the Future, Atari game play, Dr Who and the creators of Pixar Animation.
The low-polygon effect is achieved through paper and latex sculpted body attachments supported by careful stencilling and a combination of air-brush and fine-brush techniques to achieve the smooth colour gradients and focal points on the work. “Fast Forward” is for the fantastic delusional dreams of our past and the remembrance of our anticipation for a hopeful future.