hybrid creature maquette
Hello there! I'm Rubén Astudillo, a 19 years old Ecuadorian guy who likes to do some stuff. Normally I do more things about fine arts but I like Monsters and Creatures a lot!
This is the first creature I created, is sculpted on Super Sculpey and has 5 inches tall, for the paintwork I used watercolors. The story behind it is basically a failed science experiment in a laboratory. Also I got inspired by monsters of Inca Mytologhy and also I used cat and fish features. I did this on 2019 I was just doing an hybrid taking references of my pets, and thats why I called it , "Astrochyropithecus Ocecatus".
Also, I have to be very gratefull with SWSCA, I can learn a lot of things and doesn't matters the distance. Greetins from Loja, Ecuador.

This is the first creature I created, is sculpted on Super Sculpey and has 5 inches tall, for the paintwork I used watercolors. The story behind it is basically a failed science experiment in a laboratory. Also I got inspired by monsters of Inca Mytologhy and also I used cat and fish features. I did this on 2019 I was just doing an hybrid taking references of my pets, and thats why I called it , "Astrochyropithecus Ocecatus".
Also, I have to be very gratefull with SWSCA, I can learn a lot of things and doesn't matters the distance. Greetins from Loja, Ecuador.
