The Mycanoid by James Walters.
(Military file 1735A, a recovered journal from enigma area 128, the journal only seems to be around 3 months old. large portions are charred. For the sake of data entry information will be typed out and processed. For the most part data entry only becomes relevant from February 14th through February 28th and goes as follows.)
...(no relevant information on the next page, but top left of this page is torn, rest of page yet to be recovered)...
Februrary 16th, I hate how Sarah keeps saying I’m too old to be keeping a diary. She’s getting on my nerves already. you know that mushroom I found the other day? It took root surprisingly fast. I decided to name it Maria... no real reason. Note: I don’t really remember this weird circle over the top of it. I’m going to Check back later.
Februrary 16th, I hate how Sarah keeps saying I’m too old to be keeping a diary. She’s getting on my nerves already. you know that mushroom I found the other day? It took root surprisingly fast. I decided to name it Maria... no real reason. Note: I don’t really remember this weird circle over the top of it. I’m going to Check back later.
...(several pages in journal are empty probably because days are pre numbered)...
February 20th, back from my trip to LA, Sarah insisting on going to tourist traps and museums made the entire thing super boring. How can someone make LA boring? the strange circle seems to have grown into a second plant on the top I showed my best friend Simon and he thinks it’s a mushroom that grew through another one. It’s growing surprisingly fast it’s almost a full 4 inches tall if you count both mushrooms.
February 21st, strange things are growing on top of the first mushroom. The top one is about 1 inch off the top of the other. Maria looks like she has a hat. Its really cute.
...(drawings of Maria sprinkle the next few pages, unfortunately they are low quality, photo copies to be sent out by next Tuesday)...
February 25, ok you’re not going to believe this it’s adorable. Maria has grown so much it’s crazy. Like... ok it’s like something ripped from a story book... she’s turned into a small human. It’s super amazing. She has these little bubbles on her left side and she can dance a little. Super cute.
PS. Mom scheduled a sleepover with Sarah I don’t get why she embarrassed me like this.
...(several cartoon drawings of angry faces litter this page and the next two pages)...
...(several cartoon drawings of angry faces litter this page and the next two pages)...
February 26th, Sarah keeps calling me a liar about Maria. I kinda guessed but it still hurts to be yelled at for something so silly. Tomorrow I’ll show Maria to Sarah.
February 27th, today’s the day, I’ll show her.
...(A small cartoon of what is assumed to be Sarah covers the rest this page. The number on the next page is scribbled out and replaced with)...
February 27th, part 2, ok Sarah did something weird she kept poking Maria even after I told her to stop
...(several tear drops cover this page)... she didn’t stop. all of a sudden Sarah fell asleep. Sarah has been asleep for around ten minutes now. I’m going to have to tell mom.
...(A small cartoon of what is assumed to be Sarah covers the rest this page. The number on the next page is scribbled out and replaced with)...
February 27th, part 2, ok Sarah did something weird she kept poking Maria even after I told her to stop
...(several tear drops cover this page)... she didn’t stop. all of a sudden Sarah fell asleep. Sarah has been asleep for around ten minutes now. I’m going to have to tell mom.
February 27th, part 3, A bunch of people took Sarah away. I don’t really know what’s going on and it kinda scares me. Is this my fault? Is this because of Maria?
...(on the page Marked March 1sh, The date number is scribbled out, and number 28 takes its place)...
...(on the page Marked March 1sh, The date number is scribbled out, and number 28 takes its place)...
February 28th, I heard that Sara went to the hospital. I don’t really know what to say. This is all kind of scary. I told Sarah not to poke at Maria. ...(Cartoon Sad face)... I told my friend simon and asked what we should do. He gave me a box. He told me how they work but I’m not sure. He said just use them and drop them into Maria’s jar where she normally stays. Let’s hope this works.
...(From then on the rest of the book is charred)...
(The death of Sarah is currently being investigated by local police, I issue a code 23 for their deterrence and quarantining of the area)
(Military file 1735B, on March 3rd a single specimen of which could be from the same species as Maria was found on enigma area 128)

...(upon being prodded a densely packed spore was released it is believed that the spores can be detrimental to health and all test subjects, plants and animals alike, have a high fatality rate)...
(The death of Sarah is currently being investigated by local police, I issue a code 23 for their deterrence and quarantining of the area)
(Military file 1735B, on March 3rd a single specimen of which could be from the same species as Maria was found on enigma area 128)

...(upon being prodded a densely packed spore was released it is believed that the spores can be detrimental to health and all test subjects, plants and animals alike, have a high fatality rate)...

...(Close close inspection of the spinal column reveals holes within the outer caripus of the creature. One can only assume that it is where seeds are stored for eventual fertilization)...

...(unfortunately the organism breeds using a pyriscence method. A commonly studied method of plant breeding where fire is used to spread seeds. As of this current moment It is unknown how far they spread)...
(writers note: hello I hope you’ve enjoyed the story, my name is James Thomas Walters. I’ve put a lot of effort into this and I hope it shows. I just want to say that I wouldn’t have been able to do this without the friends and family around me pushing me to do my best. I just wanna say thank you Domo.)

...(unfortunately the organism breeds using a pyriscence method. A commonly studied method of plant breeding where fire is used to spread seeds. As of this current moment It is unknown how far they spread)...
(writers note: hello I hope you’ve enjoyed the story, my name is James Thomas Walters. I’ve put a lot of effort into this and I hope it shows. I just want to say that I wouldn’t have been able to do this without the friends and family around me pushing me to do my best. I just wanna say thank you Domo.)