Alien in remembrance bust
3 years ago I started sculpting this from clay as an entry for the creature contest back then. I did so with only one other attempt at clay sculpting under my belt. I finished the one and only casting of it a few weeks ago (well almost finished I’ve got to make a plaque). I’m not so sure you can even call this much of a success cause in reality the casting was full of bubbles and I couldn’t follow through with my original plan. But I made the best of it and turned it into a stone statue with a short back story. This alien named Keli’ Tai was a scout looking for new planets where his people, know as the Astridi, could start a new life as they were mostly extinct from a sudden climate shift that made most of their planet uninhabitable. He made it to earth but his ship was damaged and that left him stranded. He died after a few days because his body couldn’t handle the higher gravity environment of earth. He told his story using his universal translator to the small town of humans and they built this in memory of him and possibly in the memory of his entire species. Nearly a century has passed since this was carved.