Mörkki, the host of Midnight Special Show
During the pandemic I've wanted to make something with my spare time so I wrote a mini-series. It is a fictional talk show called "The Midnight Special Show", which is basically a talk show in underworld. The plan was that it is cheap to make and I could execute it mostly in my apartment.
Every talk show of course needs a host so I created this creature called "Mörkki" who interviews some other strange creatures who are visiting the show. His mask is made out of silicone and the hands are made out of regular liquid latex. I made him slightly scarred with worn out horns to imply that he has gone through some intense situations during his life. It is a comedy show and I didn't want to make his looks too serious so he has these goofy bat-like nose and ears. Also the subtle "black metal corpse" paint in his face refers to his Nordic roots. This is the second silicone mask I have made.
At the moment there are 2 out of 4 episodes released of the series. Unfortunately I haven't had the time to make the subtitles in English yet so the video is in Finnish.
Every talk show of course needs a host so I created this creature called "Mörkki" who interviews some other strange creatures who are visiting the show. His mask is made out of silicone and the hands are made out of regular liquid latex. I made him slightly scarred with worn out horns to imply that he has gone through some intense situations during his life. It is a comedy show and I didn't want to make his looks too serious so he has these goofy bat-like nose and ears. Also the subtle "black metal corpse" paint in his face refers to his Nordic roots. This is the second silicone mask I have made.
At the moment there are 2 out of 4 episodes released of the series. Unfortunately I haven't had the time to make the subtitles in English yet so the video is in Finnish.
Here is a link to the first episode of Midnight Special Show
And here are some pictures of the character "Mörkki"

And here are some pictures of the character "Mörkki"
