Techniques Taught

Hey dudes and dudettes!
Since it'll take a while for the Stan Winston peeps to upload the webinar to Youtube for us to dig through, I think it'd be very helpful for all of us to post up the techniques that Dan The Man taught during class. I'll start it off with... CARBON FIBER ALL DAY ERR DAY!!
Assuming you have access to Photoshop:
- paint your desired metallic "Brushed Metal" texture
- Do a Google search for "carbon fiber stickers" (or you can click here)
- Make sure your Google Image Search tool are set to Size > Large
- Download and Place (File > Place) the carbon fiber image into your desired layer
- Set the layer to Multiply
- Adjust the Opacity of the Carbon Fiber layer so that the Brushed Metal texture comes through (I use somewhere between 15% and 30%)
- Be sure to Skew or Distort (Edit > Transform > Skew/ Distort) the carbon fiber image to fit into the desired area
I think that's it as far as I can remember. Did I forget a step? Anyone else remember what tips and tricks Dan gave us?
Another technique was the adding of glow.
Hey Mony, do you remember which technique you asked Dan about that he demonstrated yesterday? You asked for a couple of really good ones that I forgot. Can you post up the ones that you remember asking about yesterday?
-He usually block the background after lining up his sketch, he needs the background to incorporate the colors into his painting so they fit together.
-He would then block the shapes (light and shadows) with rough colors before refining them so get closer to the definitive colors, with a layer of the line art above everything so he would still be able to see his contour When this is done, he would start merging the lines into his painting by merging the layers together and painting over to add details and smooth the colors.
He doesn't mess up with the brushes he already has, he doesn't custom them, he "stays basic".
-He also puts warm glowing outline light on his character where there's light that would help blend it into the background.
To make saliva : Put a layer to screen, as well as the brush (he uses mostly one which size is 125), make a basic line with a white color, outline it with a darker one that fits what's around, add some reflections and use a layer with an outglow to make it shine.
Don't forget to add some of the environnement colors into it, like lips colors, teeth, skin, obiwan kenobi...
That's all I have for now.
Like I said, really messy
Hope that helps you anyway.
I found it a while ago.