Rear Screen Projection for Animation
in Stop Motion
Is there a digital rear projector that I could project a video a frame at a time for animation?
I would like to do a stop motion film like Harryhausen did, but with a digital projector, but I'm not interested in extensive green screen. Can anyone help? Thanks!
I would like to do a stop motion film like Harryhausen did, but with a digital projector, but I'm not interested in extensive green screen. Can anyone help? Thanks!
Best Answers
Chris Ellerby AdminHi John,
You can do this using any video playback software that allows you to pause and advance forward one frame at a time. Hook up your computer to any projector, run the video full screen, and use keyboard shortcuts to advance the frame.
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Chris Ellerby AdminHi. John,
Quicktime, VLC, etc. Most programs that playback video allow for frame advancing, usually with the arrow keys when playback is paused. I believe VLC uses the "E" key.