Mister Rogers Neighborhood
Every year for the last 4 years we have let our son pick out family costume while my husband and I make every aspect we can for them out of
items we already have at our home.

This year he choose Mister Rogers Neighborhood. I spent months sewing puppets (no patterns, Daniel started out as an old, black washcloth) embroidering patching, sewing the Speedy Delivery Bag (no pattern) and creating a Trolley trick or treat bag (no pattern for bag or vinyl design). I also spent 4 weeks experimenting with 1 day hair color to give my son the perfect shade of Mister Rogers Gray (without it getting on everything). The results were amazing. Mister Rogers, Trolley, Mr. McFeely, Daniel Striped Tiger, Lady Aberlin, and Lady Elaine Fairchild were a huge hit at our local “Drive Thru Distancing Trick or Treat” where we were able to have our son peer out the sun roof and puppet show while “Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood” played and we worked Trolley (“ding ding” and all) to collect his candy. We were able to unmask safely and get a few pictures