The lord of darkness
Lord Voldemort is back, brace yourself !

Hi everyone ! This is my participation to 2020 Stan Winston School Halloween contest
I customed every single thing on the costume.
I made :
- The bald cap (my very first so it is not perfect haha)
- The face prosthetic, this is an encapsulated prosthetic (including life casting, sculpting, molding, etc)
- The fake nails (made with plastic drinking straw haha)
- The full costume
- The Elder Wand (wood carved from broom handle with my dremel)
Here are the pictures of the full process, I really hope you will enjoy it !
Thanks for reading

Hi everyone ! This is my participation to 2020 Stan Winston School Halloween contest

I customed every single thing on the costume.
I made :
- The bald cap (my very first so it is not perfect haha)
- The face prosthetic, this is an encapsulated prosthetic (including life casting, sculpting, molding, etc)
- The fake nails (made with plastic drinking straw haha)
- The full costume
- The Elder Wand (wood carved from broom handle with my dremel)
Here are the pictures of the full process, I really hope you will enjoy it !
Thanks for reading