Metallized painting and sealing help
Hi new to the forums but have been subscribed for the year since June. And I would love more lessons/videos on painting with metallic paints and methods of sealing them. The courses by Rob ramsdell and Jamie s. Grove are great though I fee the type of metal painting Jamie does suits what I’m looking for better. He lightly touched on the paint used but I can tell by the the bottle color and bottlecap it’s Alumaluster. I would love to see more lessons involving metallized paints, methods of sealing them and tinting the clear coat to give the metallized paint a different metal look (gold,copper, etc) think of how captain Americas shield is painted or iron man’s suits are painted. I follow someone that uses Alumaluster AND seals it with clear (2k clear to be specific) and they hardly loose any shine to the metallized paint. I am currently 97% complete with my paint here on this costume but in the future would love redo this Anovos helmet. And would love more metallized paint courses.

Welcome to the forums! Your costume looks fantastic.
That 2K clear coat does look good over the metallic paint. Are they using Alumaluster as well or something else like a Alclad? Did they mention what 2K clear they are using?
I'll make sure and pass word along to the team about your desire to see more metallic painting courses.
They solely work with Alumaluster and unfortunately everywhere I look a lot of folks leave out crucial steps either to omit a technique or what have you and no one really feels like sharing how this is achieved in detail or steps aside from saying I used x paint and clear coated it. Yes yes but HOW was it done lol. And that’s where most information is left out. They used to work at studioADI. All I know is
paint: Alumaluster
clear: Transtar 6571 or Matrix MS-30
thanks for the reply