Zombie walker
This is my Zombie make up styled after the Creepshow film and the Walking Dead tv show. I experimented with make up stippling and layering effects. I used Ben Nye Cake Make up, Ben Nye tooth color zombie rot, Ben Nye creme makeup, Ben Nye final seal, Ben Nye neutral set, Ben Nye liquid latex, layered paper towels with latex build-up for loose torn skin and wounds, Ben Nye thick blood, Taylor Maid stage blood, fresh scab, nose and scar wax, castor seal, Mehron rigid collodion, yak hair, and a Rubies foam latex skull appliance. My twin brother also in the photos was the Wolf Man that Halloween. I've always felt that zombies should be in nicer duds if that was what they were buried in "raised from the grave" and not the "infection" type of zombie.

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