Aughra Latex Mask- Creature Painting Contest Entry 1
Aughra; The Dark Crystal, 1982
Aughra started as a practice sculpt and then became a practice mould, then a practice cast, and finally a practice airbrush. Everything about the mask was a first try at something. She was cast in latex, airbrushed and hand detailed with pax paint. The horns are painted resin from an existing form.
Other fun facts-
She was never meant to actually become anything other than a practice sculpt, but friends kept urging me to go forward and do the whole thing- so here she is. The eye is just what was on hand; I’m in the process of creating and painting one for display. She can be worn and has a full costume in progress, including hands and feet, a shard box with resin shards, and the extensive “junk beading” on her costume. The wig was created as well from a basic base and dozens of extra wefts.