Kroenen Venetian Mask From Hellboy I
Hello there, i'm trying to make a whole Kroenen costume in his venetian version so i just nearly finished my mask ( only lenses are missing) and i see that contest so i'll take my chance to show you my work ! 
- This a 3d print resin coated, i use black gloss and metallic burgundy paint for the main part.
-All weathering is done with pigments ( vert de gris and rust) .
-Some copper and brass paint were used for little parts little the sides attached to the mask and under repirators.
Hope you like it !
Advices and questions are welcome !

- This a 3d print resin coated, i use black gloss and metallic burgundy paint for the main part.
-All weathering is done with pigments ( vert de gris and rust) .
-Some copper and brass paint were used for little parts little the sides attached to the mask and under repirators.
Hope you like it !

Advices and questions are welcome !